Price: $398,000
Location: Lake County, FL
Industry: Other Automotive and Boat
Listing ID: 423600160
Listing Status: Sold
Golf Cart Repair & Service Company serving The Villages and its 65,000+ golf carts, making it by far the highest concentration of Golf Carts in the Nation.
Most service and repairs are done at the customer’s location, but heavier repairs are done in the Seller’s shop. They do on average 400 calls per month and are typically booked 2 weeks out. All vehicles, trailers, equipment and tools necessary as well as a good supply of spare parts are included. It currently has 4 trucks and Service techs on the road. There is an immediate growth potential for someone willing to add more trucks. Home based business which will need to be relocated. Owner is retiring. Ideal for someone in the industry wanting to grow by acquiring a reputable name and solid customer base. This would also be a great opportunity for someone who already has a shop and is ready to take this business to the next level.
Down Payment: $398,000
Total Sales: $456,316
Cash Flow: $196,420
Accounts Receivable: N/A
FFE: $80,000
FFE Included: Yes
Inventory: N/A
Year Established: 2010
Days & Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri: 7am - 4pm
Owner Hours Per Week: 40
Lender Pre-Qualified: No
Non-Owner Payroll: N/A
Employees: 6
Absentee Owner: No
Security on Lease: No
Real Estate: N/A
Real Estate Included: No
Monthly Rent: N/A
Type of Location: Home based
Franchise: No
Relocatable: Yes
Reason For Sale: Retiremenbt
Training & Support: Two weeks at no cost.